Salman Khan's Jai Ho Trailer Releasing On 5th December And Also With R Rajkumar salman khan The wait is finally over for the Jai Ho Official Trailer as it is releasing on 5th December 2013 along with the general fans and audience at Chandan Cinema. The Jai Ho Trailer will also be showcased along with R Rajkumar on December 6th,2013. Initially a few pics of the Jai Ho romantic songs went viral after the Jai Ho Climax Action Scene. Salman has also given a break as a Music Director to the talented Amal Malik, son of Daboo Malik and grandson of of veteran music director late Sardar Malik along with Sajid Wajid for Jai Ho's 6 songs. Salman and Daisy's sizzling chemistry have made the gossip mongers alive about Salman dating Daisy as well. Salman Khan recently mesmerized everyone on Karan Johar's Koffee With Karan too.
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