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Showing posts with the label make
New technology can make robots walk and run like humans Robot A team of researchers from the US and Germany has now found a way to make robots walk and run just as we do, thereby opening the doors for them to be deployed in the armed forces and in other services in the future. "We have basically demonstrated the fundamental science of how humans walk," said one of the researchers Jonathan Hurst, professor Oregon State University (OSU) in the US.  
Hate makes Kate Upton try harder   Kate upton   Kate Upton is on the cover of the latest issue of The Edit magazine, and opened up in an in depth interview about her career.
Prime minister Narendra Modi's 'Pimpdaddy' suit makes a fortune   Barak Obama     Narandra Modi     The Indian Prime minister's two piece suit that he wore for his Summit meeting with the US President Barack Obama was sold for 690,000 dollars after an intense 3 day auction to a Diamond trader.